Hump Day Weekly Recap.....
First off, Happy 16th to my doggie Sweetie! Still kickin it.
Secondly, Saturday was freakin Awesome! I went to a Xavier Rudd show with my family, which was epic! He gets better every time I see him play. And most importantly the opener was Ash Grunwald, who I want to share the stage with badly!
This was his first time performing in the U.S. This was probably my one chance to make contact. So, with the help of my sister and her boss, we devised the plan to get Ash's attention. Seriously, all it takes is a bright yellow sign with black lettering on a white tee shirt. That and being in the front row.
We made the shirt, which said "Ash I Want To Tour With You", I strolled right to the front row where his set up was set up. Ha ha, and waited for the sickest night of music to begin. Ash walked out to his kit, played his first song. Amazing! I'm telling you, Youtube just doesn't cut it when you're actually there. He went to change guitars when my shirt caught his attention. He smiled, and asked "What does that Say?". Me being short, I had to tip toe a little for him to see. He liked it. So I gave him my CD and he finished his set. It was sweet! He rocked out so hard the sweat from his forearm was running down his guitar. I have never seen that before.
After Ash, Xavier took the stage with his band. I can write about it, but that would not give it any justice. You have to be a part of the experience to understand what I'm talking about. When Xavier Rudd plays, you go. Just go. Buy that ticket, free all your plans for the night, and get your booty to that stinkin dance floor!
The whole show was phenominal. Ash, Xavier, Tio, and I think his name is Bobby, could be wrong on that, know the secrets of putting on an amazing show. We go to leave when I see Ash at the merch booth. We just had to go over and talk to him. Which we did, and he's a really cool guy. I knew he would be. I had my picture taken with him, and we talked a bit about music. It was great! We got cut off because the venue had to close the doors so they needed everyone to leave. We said are good byes and headed on our way.
Then we got to talk to Tio, Xavier's bass player, for a bit. He was hanging out by their bus. Very cool guy as well. They're all so dam cool it's ridiculous. It makes me want to just be able to play music and travel with cool people, just like that group of people. Even though it was the end of their tour, they all had huge smiles on their faces and were extremely pleasant. Inspiring.
That was the highlight of my being in the west coast so far, and it hasn't even been a year! Fun times!
