Tajlyn ~ In The Sand

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You Are Here Blog Tajlyn's Blog June 11, 2014

Had two completely different shows this past weekend. I must share them with you.

The first one was at Shine Cafe, my second time there. Went well. Had an awesome drink recommended by the bar tender called a Namestae Lattee. There was a choice of iced or hot, I got iced. Heaven. It was so freakin delicious! Try one if you can.

I shared the stage with a sweet couple known as the Neather Band (Nick + Heather = Neather). They were great. Their music was poppy, chilled love songs that just make you feel good.

Peter Holden played next. He's an awesome, super cool guy, fun too watch up on stage. The music was energetic and fun to listen to. He brought a friend up to jam with which was fantastic. Can't wait to play with both these groups again.

The next day I played with my fellow Learn The Beaters. (Where I teach). The experience was quite different. Got there, put my guitar in the back, sat down to relax before the show, someone asked me to check my shoe. Dog Doodie. Hillarious! Didn't want to get crap on the stage, so I went outside, found some sticks, rocks, and a water faucet. I didn't go back inside till that crap was gone. Sadly I missed a little bit of the LTB Jammers. From what I did see, they did amazing.

Washed my hands, played my set, sat down to enjoy the rest of the show. My water canteen was out so I was offered a frozen water bottle. Opened it up, and it exploded all over my leg. Hillarious again! Luckily it wasn't in a "did you have an accident" spot. It was refreshing though.

That's the beauty of having two shows in a row. It's a completely different ride each time. It's still just you and your guitar, but everything else is not going to be the same.

Cheers, Tajlyn

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