Tajlyn ~ In The Sand

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October 9th, 2013

One thing is for sure perfection does not exist. I get reminded of that from time to time. It is a good thing though. When those times happen that turn out to be "the complete definition of a disaster" they teach us more than anything. One being how not to put that screw up on repeat.

That is what I like to do when those unfortunate times show themselves. Find out what to do differently and how to avoid doing the exact thing next time. Not only do some awesome ideas get surfaced but you instantly feel better about the crap you just went through. If not instant then at least eventually. Hey, nothing is perfect. The point being, move on from those down times, learn from them, and keep going. It's been said far too many times, but it is some good advice.

In other words life is unpredictable and can be taken way too seriously at times. So lighten up on the seriousness and be ready for unpredictability. That's where the fun is!

-There is an ant on the screen as I am typing this. Cute little guy!

Cheers, Tajlyn



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