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October 16th, 2013

Change is exciting! Many things change simply just because or we make an effort for it happen. Whatever the case, it's a cool, sometimes scary thing that makes living all the better. That's just an opinion. Anywhoo...

I have been in the process of changing my "stage show" for quite some time now. More thinking and strategizing than actual execution. But that changed yesterday when I decided to stop thinking and start doing. I bought a "Bieber Mic" (wireless headset mic). I can walk around and sing hands free! Just have to give it a test run today. By the end of December of this year I plan to become a wireless performer, if not then at least by January. All I really have to do is get a wireless guitar system and then it's official. Not bad! That should be plenty of time.

So if you're facing change, whether it be decided or undecided, embrace it. Getting out of the everyday routine is a good experience to have under your belt. Not all change is good or bad but it builds character. Even the most smallest of changes can have that big of an impact. This might sound weird coming from someone who's inspiration to write this was brought on by purchasing a "Bieber Mic". Things like that happen, what can I say.

So change it up and have a nice day! But keep with your daily exercise, that is important. Just do a different exercise than yesterday.

Cheers, Tajlyn


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