Music, the way, the institution of a lost soul, bottled up in a never ending gaze of vast awareness....I'm just spitting out words. Never mind that mumble jumble.
It's fun to discover new things. New music is always fun to discover. It's great. Doesn't take up any space if you just remember how a song goes while listening to it in your head. And you can mesh songs together in your mind. Awesome! Basically having a never ending song list in your mind is cool. Don't have to deal with batteries. (I'm old school. Still have a compact disc player, haven't gotten an ipod just yet, but it's all good.)
If you're just sitting around thinking about any diddly dadlies that come to mind and still find yourself bored, don't be. It's a chance to discover anything. Music, stories, working on your dream trip (awe...a gap year would be sweet!! I'd hit up so many places), anything. What's going on today was not going on yesterday, to a point. There are the daily cycles that happen, but it is a bit different than the time before.
I've found some new music recently. From other artists as well as some new pieces I'm working on. Constantly chiseling at the undiscovered, only looking back for minimal references. Live it up today!
No photos or videos this week, I'm getting ready for back to back shows starting tomorrow at the Naked Lounge in Sacramento. This place is awesome. You can check out photos from January 22 of this year here